Results from 2006

Choose a Year: 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024

Gobbler Grind

Overland Park, Kansas, November 19, 2006 - 28-38 degrees Half-Marathon (13.1 miles)

Place Name Time Pace Division
1-M Alan Poisner 2h 35m 11:51 3rd
1-F BJ Thornberg 2h 59m 13:43 2nd

Cliffhanger 5K

Cliff Drive, Kansas City, Missouri, November 6, 2006, 52 degrees, dry


Place Name Time Pace
1 Ruth Weddle 40:39 13:05


Place Name Time Pace
1 Moe Lago 40:39 13:05
2 Wayne Kerns 42:31 13:41
3 Floyd Delon 47:09 15:10

Blue Springs Half-Marathon Relay

Independence, Missouri, October. 29, 2006, Temperature: 40-50, dry

Leg Miles Yet to be Determined Ancient Chinese Secret Wily Walkers Rico's Rockin' Walkers
1 4.00 Poisner Thornburg McManus Rico
2 2.75 Lago Christensen Williams Delon
3 2.75 Dockter Batthauer Jacobs Weddle
4 4.00 Poisner Thornburg McManus Rico
Time 2:46 2:48 2:47 2:58
Handicap 51 47 39 41
Net Time 1:55 2:01 2:08 2:17

Kansas Senior Olympics

Topeka, Kansas, September 24, 2006, Dry, windy, 60 degrees

1500 Meter Race - Men

Age Name Time Place Age Graded
60-64 Bob Gaston 10:12 1 63.2%
60-64 Gary Comstock 12:58 2 50.6%
60-64 Bruce Mason 14:01 3 46.8%
65-69 Frank Chenoweth 10:36 1 63.8%
70-74 Alan Poisner 9:08 1 79.2%
70-74 Fred Adams 9:59 2 74.1%
70-74 Lyle Pfaff 11:15 3 65.8%
70-74 Don Swegel 14:03 4 53.3%
70-74 Ronald Kolbe 14:49 5 49.9%
75-79 Floyd Delon 14:37 1 53.2%
80-84 Sigried Hellstrom 11:15 1 74.2%
85-89 Tom Young 16:33 1 57.0%

1500 Meter Race Race - Women

Age Name Time Place Age Graded
55-59 Nancy Sido 9:33 1 74.0%
55-59 Nancy Perih 11:15 2 64.0%
60-64 BJ Thornburg 10:57 1 67.9%
60-64 Ruth Weddle 11:20 2 66.2%
60-64 Jimmy Sue Sells 11:57 3 62.2%
65-69 Julie Haller 12:09 1 65.4%
75-79 Martie Lykens 12:18 1 72.6%
90-94 Jean Brunnenkant 13:13 1 85.5%

5K Race Men

Age Name Time Place Age Graded
60-64 Bob Gaston 36:57 1 62.9%
60-64 Gary Comstock 42:40 2 54.5%
65-69 Frank Chenoweth 36:15 1 67.4%
70-74 Alan Poisner 33:12 1 76.9%
70-74 Fred Adams 35:23 2 73.9%
75-79 Floyd Delon 49:55 1 55.1%
80-84 Sigried Hellstrom 43:55 1 65.1%

5K Race Women

Name Time Division Place in Division Age Graded
50-54 Eileen McManus 32:50 1 71.4%
65-69 Julie Haller 42:00 1 66.9%
75-79 Martie Lykens 45:11 1 69.9%

Kansas City Senior Games 5K

September 17, 2006, Heritage Park, Olathe, Kansas


Name Time Division Place in Division Age Graded
Sue Knapp 37:54 55-59 1 64.7%
BJ Thornburg* 36:40 60-64 1 71.7%
Ruth Weddle 37:24 60-64 2 71.0%
Julie Haller 40:50 65-69 1 68.9%
Eleanor Hoffman 51:17 65-69 2 54.2%
Martie Lykens 44:16 75-79 1 70.3%
Jean Brunnenkant 46:53 90-94 1 85.1%


Name Time Division Place in Division Age Graded
Batthauer Steve 36:14 50-54 1 57.6%
Phil Jacobs 36:20 60-64 1 62.7%
Wayne Kerns 41:16 60-64 2 55.2%
Fred Adams* 34:17 70-74 1 76.3%
Floyd Delon 46:40 75-79 1 58.9%

Volunteers: Sarah Justice, Tom Young, Alan Poisner

Be-A-Walker Predicted-time 5K

September 9, 2006, Roe Park - wet and muddy

Place Name Predicted Time Finishing Time Difference Age-Graded
1 Julie Haller 43:02 43:06 4 65.2%
2 Wayne Kerns 45:02 44:23 -39 51.3%
3 Tom Oakes 47:25 48:07 42 53.7%
4 Floyd Delon 46:00 46:43 43 58.8%
5 Jean Brunnenkant 49:15 50:36 81 78.9%
6 Sue Knapp 38:06 39:33 87 62.0%
7 Martie Lykens 45:06 46:33 87 66.9%
8 BJ Thornburg 38:12 39:40 88 66.3%
9 Lyn Yarbrough 43:30 41:59 -91 57.6%
10 Pam Felton 43:52 45:29 97 59.0%
11 Moe Lago 42:25 44:13 108 55.9%
12 Ruth Weddle 41:30 39:37 113 67.1%
13 Sarah Justice 48:15 50:27 132 44.2%
14 Amy Christensen 39:39 43:03 204 47.1%
15 Jessica Brockmeier 43:00 39:27 -207 54.8%
Place Prediction Age-graded Time
1 Haller Brunnenkant Brockmeier
2 Kerns Weddle Knapp
3 Oakes Lykens Weddle

Head for the Cure 5K

Sept. 11, 2006 – Corporate Woods, Rained off and on during the race, 7 finishers 70+ division

Name Place Net Time Pace
Alan Poisner 1st 34'11“ 11'00”

Leawood Labor Day 5K

Sept. 4, 2006, Temperature 60 degrees, No walking division

Male Age Group: 70-74

Name Place Time Pace
Alan Poisner 6th 32:48 10'33”

Male Age Group: 75-79

Name Place Time Pace
Floyd Delon 4th 46:30 15'00"

Stroke Stroll 4-miles

123rd & State Line, Aug. 20, 2006


Place Name Time
1 BJ Thornburg 52:25
2 Ruth Weddle 52:57
3 Julie Haller 56:00


Place Name Time
1 Wayne Kerns 56:38
2 Floyd Delon 58:38

Tarmac 8K

KC Downtown Airport, August 12, 2006

Temp about 90 degrees at race time (7:17 pm)

Name Place Time Pace
Alan Poisner 1st 54'13“ 10'54”

Quivera Mile

Overland Park, Aug. 6, 2006

Heat Index about 100
200 meters uphill, remainder downhill


Place Name Time Age Graded
1 Deana Garza 10:38 63.3%
2 BJ Thornburg 11:03 71.6%
3 Amy Christensen 12:21 49.9%
4 Julie Haller 12:46 67.1%
5 Martie Lykens 13:17 72.4%


Place Name Time Age Graded
1 Alan Poisner 9:26 82.5%
2 Wayne Kerns 12:44 54.6%
3 Floyd Delon 13:14 63.2%
4 Tom Oakes 13:44 57.3%

AAU National Junior Olympics

July 30, 2006, Norfolk, Virginia

3000 meters

Name Division Place Time
Kiara Bunton Sub-youth 5th 18:37.69

ShowMe Games

Columbia, Missouri

July 30, 2006

Race Name Division Medal Time
5K Fred Adams 70-74 Gold 35:58
Race Name Division Medal Time
1500 meters Fred Adams 70-74 Gold 9:59

Sunflower State Games

July 29, 2006, Topeka, Kansas

1500 meters

Name Division Medal Time
Nancy Perih 55-59 Gold 11:51.34
Martie Lykens 75-79 Gold 13:26.90
Alan Poisner 70-74 Gold 9:34.32

USATF National Junior Olympics

July 25, 2006, Baltimore, MD

3000 meters

Name Division Place Time
Deana Garza Youth 15th 20:44.45

Lenexa Freedom Run

July 4, 2006

Rained continuously until 10 min before race time (7:00 am)
10K = 6.2 miles - 5 finishers 70+ division (no walking division)

Name Place Net Time Pace
Alan Poisner 2nd 68'49“ 11'04”

Beat the Heat 5K

June 18, 2006, Overland Park, Kansas


Place Name Time Pace
1 Josh Ginsburg 29:40 9:34
2 John Slate 30:37 9:52
3 Forrest Weddle 42:40 13:45
4 Tom Oakes 46:25 14:58
5 Floyd Delon 46:40 15:03


Place Name Time Pace
1 Eileen McManus 32:17 10:23
2 BJ Thornburg 39:25 12:42
3 Ruth Weddle 42:39 13:46

Missouri Senior Games

June 17 & 18, 2006, Columbia, Missouri

Fred Adams - age division 70-74

Place Race Time Pace
1 1500 Meters 10:01 10:45
1 5K 34:54 11:14

Hospital Hill Races

June 3, 2006, 12K (7.46 miles), weather - nice, topography - hilly

Male Age Group: 70-79

Name Time
Alan Poisner 1:26:57

Female Age Group: 45-49

Name Time
Eileen McManus 1:26:56

5K (3.1 miles)

Female Age Group: 30-34

Name Time
Susan Rico-Ahrens 48:28

Amy Thompson 5K

May 29, 2006, Kansas City


Name Time
Klara Bunton 38:06


Name Time
Alan Poisner 38:06

Steps to the Cure 5K

May 21, 2006, Overland Park, Kansas


Place Name Time
1 Klara Bunton 33:53


Place Name Time
1 Josh Ginsburg 33:54
2 Mike Sharp 36:22
3 Floyd Delon 47:06

Trolley Run-4 miles-Almost raining

April 30, 2006


Name Time Pace Division Place Alan Poisner 42:04 10:39 9/16 Floyd Delon 61:15 15:20 3/6


Name Time Pace Division Place
BJ Thornburg 50:02 12:32 15/55
Trudy Nepstad 57:27 14:25 1/2
Kathy Cairnes 60:40 15:14 263/338

Broadway Bridge 5K-Hilly course

April 23, 2006


Name Time Pace Division Place
Alan Poisner 33:23 10:46 1/1
Floyd Delon 47:34 15:20 2/2

Cross Road 5K

April 2, 2006, Corporate Woods


Place Name Time
1 John Slate 30:16
2 Fred Adams 36:02
3 Phil Jacobs 38:25
4 Moe Lago 39:28
5 Tom Young 47:12


Place Name Time
1 Eileen McManus 33:34
2 Susan Rico-Ahrens 36:12
3 Amy Christensen 39:28
4 Sarah Justice 47:25

Fred Adams was first in the 70+ age division overall
Tom Young was first in the 80+ age division overall

Heartland Racewalkers at Brew to Brew through the years

Year Total Time Net Time Handicap Members
2001 485 439 46 A. Poisner T. Zinchuk P. Zinchuk S. Figoni K. Christensen
2002 524 462 62 A. Poisner T. Zinchuk P. Zinchuk P. Jacobs D. Acuff
2003 539 491 48 A. Poisner T. Zinchuk P. Zinchuk L. Bainter J. Slate
2004 541 493 48 A. Poisner A. Christensen P. Jacobs L. Bainter E. McManus
2005 542 486 56 A. Poisner A. Christensen P. Jacobs L. Lund V. Harmer
2006 529 457 72 A. Poisner A. Christensen P. Jacobs BJ Thornburg E. McManus
2006 530 483 47 S. Rico-Ahrens T. Zinchuk P. Zinchuk L. Lund J. Anderson

Brew to Brew Relay

March 19, 2006, Kansas City to Lawrence

Racewalker Division Captain Finish Adjusted
Perpetual Pedestrians Prevail Alan Poisner 8:49:03 7:37:03
Wicked Wandering Walkers Tom Zinchuk 8:50:23 8:03:23

Perpetual Pedestrians Prevail not only came in first in the racewalking division (by one minute), they also beat 8 teams in the open running division (age and gender graded).

Perpetual Pedestrians Prevail

Leg Miles Walker Pace Handicap
1 4.3 Phil Jacobs 14.0 5
2 5.2 Amy Christensen 13.3 2
3 5.3 Eileen McManus 10.8 6
4 2.3 BJ Thornburg 12.2 12
5 5.0 Alan Poisner 11.0 11
6 3.4 Amy Christensen 13.5 2
7 4.8 Eileen McManus 11.9 6
8 4.0 BJ Thornburg 13.3 12
9 4.2 Phil Jacobs 12.9 5
10 4.7 Alan Poisner 11.1 11
Total 43.2 72

Wicked Wandering Walkers

Leg Miles Walker Pace Handicap
1 4.3 T Zinchuk 13.0 3
2 5.2 Lauriann Lund 13.7 4
3 5.3 S Rico-Ahrens 11.3 2
4 2.3 P Zinchuk 11.3 10
5 5.0 Lauriann Lund 13.4 4
6 3.4 S Rico-Ahrens 11.8 2
7 4.8 John Anderson 11.5 7
8 4.0 S Rico-Ahrens 13.0 2
9 4.2 T Zinchuk 11.7 3
10 4.7 P Zinchuk 11.9 10
Total 43.2 47

Groundhog Run 5K (no walking division)

Jan 29, 2006 2006


Place Name Time Age Division Place in Age Division
1 Alan Poisner 33:06 70-74 2
2 Fred Adams 35:00 70-74 4
3 Moe Lago 39:10 65-69 7
4 Floyd Delon 46:00 75-79 5
5 Tom Young 47:45 80-99 2


Place Name Time Age Division Place in Age Division
1 BJ Thornburg 39:08 60-64 5
2 Kathy Cairnes 49:31 40-44 70 (walking with children)
3 Lauriann Lund 52:00 40-44 73 (walking with children)