Results from 2015

Choose a Year: 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024

Kansas Senior Olympics

September 27, 2015 - Topeka, Kansas

Walker Division Time 1500 M Place Age-Graded Time 5000M Place Age-Graded
Lee Debault M 65-69 11:23.9 1/1 62.6%
John Anderson M 70-74 10:32.0 1/3 70.3% 37:07.9 1/2 70.1%
Fred Adams M 80-84 10:49.0 1/1 78.7% 38:26.9 1/1 77.3%
Sunday Cavallaro F 55-59 10:07.9 1/2 67.1% 36:41.4 1/1 65.9%
Karen Swisher F 60-64 10:15.2 1/1 69.8%
Maggie McCoy F 65-69 11:34.9 1/2 63.2%< 42:18.1 1/2 62.1%
Nancy Perih F 65-69 13:06.6 2/2 57.8% 45:57.9 2/2 59.5%
BJ Thornburg F 70-74 11:33.6 1/1 68.2% 41:57.6 1/1 68.2%
Julie Haller F 75-79 13:49.1 1/1 62.4%

Cliff Hanger

November 1, 2015 - Kansas City, Missouri


Race Walking Name Time Age graded Division Age Division place
1 Fred Adams 39:27 75.3% M80+ 1/1
2 Phil Jacobs 42:27 58.32% M65-69 7/9
Running Lee Debault 32:47 53.2% M65-69 5/9

8K no racewalking awards

Name Time Age graded Division Age Division Place
racewalking Pat Durkin 63:08 64.7% F70-74 4/5
racewalking BJ Thornburg 66:03 62.7% F70-74 5/5
racewalking John Anderson 58:47 72.3% M70-74 3/3
running Lynn Sandbeck 52:55 60.4% F60-64 5/12
running Carol Goslin 54:05 67.7% F70-74 1/5

State Games of America

Aug. 2, 2015 - Lincoln, Nebraska

3000 meter walk – Sunday morning

Division Place Walker Time Age-graded
65-69F 1 Nancy Perih 31:06 50.9 %
70-74 M 1 John Anderson 21:44.2 69.4%
80-84 M 1 Alan Poisner 21:16.8 79.3%
80-84 M 2 FredAdams 22:12.0 78.5%

HRW Youth Division Summer Results

AAU National Chamionships-Jr Olympics 1500 meters

August 1, 2015 – Norfolk, Virginia

1500 meters

Place Name Time Age Division Age Graded
3/19 Maggie Boley 9:27.49 9-10 68.7%%

3000 meters

Place Name Time Age Division Age Graded
9/10 Natalia Ahrens 23:16.09 14 53.0%

Sunflower State Games 1500 meters

July 10, 2015 – Topeka, Kansas

Place Name Time Age Division Age Graded
1/3 Maggie Boley 9:46.14 9-10 66.5%

AAU District 16 Qualifying

June 25, 2015 – Joplin, Missouri

1500 meters

Place Name Time Age Division Age Graded
1/2 Maggie Boley 9:45.88 9-10 66.6%

3000 meters

Place Name Time Age Division Age Graded
1/3 Natalia Ahrens 23:50.59 14 51.7%

USATF National Masters Outdoor Championships

July 26, 2015, Jacksonville, Florida

10,000 meter racewalk

Place Name Time Age Division Age-Graded
1 Alan Poisner 1:17:59 80-84 76.1%

Misting at 6:00 am; 25 laps on the track

National Senior Games

July 14-15 - St. Paul, Minnesota

1500 meters 1500 meters 5K 5K
Walker Division Time Place Age-Graded Time Place Age-Graded
Eileen McManus F55-59 09:28.1 4/6 72.5% 33:41 3/5 72.5%
Pat Durkin F70-74 11:03.4 6/8 70.2% 38:53 5/7 72.5%
Carol Smith F70-74 11:34.01 8/8 69.0% 40:17 6/7 72.1%
Jon Anderson M70-74 10:43.6 11/15 69.9% 37:14 8/11 69.9%
Alan Poisner M80-84 09:49.3* 1/7 85.4% 35:09** 1/6 83.8%
Fred Adams M80-84 10:38.4 3/7 80.0% 37:37*** 3/6 79.0%


* Record
** 2nd
all time
***9th all time

Sunflower State Games 1500 meters

July 10, 2015 - Topeka, Kansas

Place Name Time Age Division Age Graded
1/2 Sunday Cavallaro 10:06.3 F 55-59 67.3%
1/1 Nancy Perih 12:56.6 F 65-69 58.6%
1/2 John Anderson 10:46.6 M 70-74 68.7%
1/1 Alan Poisner 9:42.6 M 80-84 85.1%

Freedom Run - 5K and 10K
July 4, 2015 - Lenexa, Kansas

5K (running)

Place Name Time Age Division Age Graded Pace
8/16 Lee Debault 32:44 65-69 56.9% 10:32
2/9 Bo Kremer 29:30 70-75 59.1% 9:30

10K (walking)

Place Name Time Age Division Age Graded Pace
1/2 Alan Poisner 1:12:22 80+ 82.0% 11:39

No walking division

Four on the Fourth - 4 Miles
July 4, 2015 – Kansas City, Missouri

Place Name Time Age Division Pace
53/75 Martha McCarter 49:26 F50-54 12:21
16/53 Eileen McManus 44:13 F55-59 11:03
4/6 John Anderson 47:04 M70-74 11:46

No walking division

Double Road Race 8K=5K then 3K; 15K=10K then 5K
June 28, 2015 - Overland Park, Kansas


Place Name Time Age Division
1/2 Lee Debault* 53:07 65-69



Place Name Time Age Division Age Graded
3/3 John Anderson 1:56:17 70-74 69.2%

No walking division
This was the third year that this unique event was held in our area. There were two options this year: a 10K race with a rest period before the next part, a 5K, with the total racing time used to determine the winners. The new option was a 5K followed by a 3K. John started 12 minutes late but the race was chip timed.

Village Shalom Father’s Day 5K
June 21, 2015 - Overland Park, Kansas

Walking Time Age graded Pace Division Open Age Division Place
1 Karen Swisher 33:32 74.2% 11:08 F60-69 2/32
2 John Anderson 36:05 71.2% 11:38 M70-79 3/10
3 Carol Smith 38:22 75.7% 12:23 F70-79 1/6
4 Martha McCarter 39:07 58.1% 12:37 F50-59 6/25
5 Pamela Felton 50:15 60.7% 16:13 F70-79 2/6
6 Julie Haller 50:32 62.6% 16:18 F70-79 3/6

Running Time Age graded Pace Division Open Age Division Place
150/453 Lee Debault 30:46 51.3% 9:55 M60-69 11/35
94/453 Bo Kremer 33:58 60.6% 10:57 M70-79 1/10

All club members but two walked the 5K. 1st, 2nd and 3rd place in the W70-79 were all members of HRW. Carol Smith took first overall in this age division. Also notable: Karen Swisher and John Anderson, the first two racewalkers, also had very high finishes in the divisions open to runners. Bo Kremer was the top runner in the 70-79.

Missouri Senior Games
June 13-14, 2015, Columbia, Missouri

1500 meter walk – Friday evening

Division Place Walker Time Age-graded
70-74F 1 BJ Thornburg 11:18 68.7%
85-89F 1 Martha Delon 17:01 59.4%
60-64 M 1 David Couts 7:27 85.9%
65-69 M 1 Lee Debault 11:11 63.8%
70-74 M 1 John Anderson 10:34 70.0%
80-84 M 1 Alan Poisner 9:42 85.2%
80-84 M 2 Fred Adams 11:07 75.4%
85-89 M 1 Floyd Delon 19:33 46.6%

5K walk – Saturday morning

Division Place Walker Time Age-graded
60-64M 1 David Couts 26:07 85.1%
70-74M 1 John Anderson 36:30 70.4%

BJ Thornburg was not able to finish the 5K since she fell down on a wet part of the course and suffered a broken ankle. Fred Adams stopped to offer assistance and also did not finish. BJ had successful surgery the next day to repair the injury.

Amy Thompson 8K (28th Annual)

May 25, 2015 - Kansas City, Missouri

Walker Place Divison Time Age- Graded
John Anderson 4/4 M 70-74 58:12 72.3%
Alan Poisner 1/3 M 80-99 56:57 82.6%

No racewalking division
Rained for part of the race

SGA Triple Crown 5K*

May 17, 2015 – Leawood, Kansas

Walker Place Divison Time
Alan Poisner 1/3 M 70-99 33:24
John Anderson 2/3 M 70-99 33:48

No racewalking division​​​​​​​​
*Course was short

Mother’s Day 5K

May 10, 2015 – Overland Park, Kansas

Walker Place Divison Time Age- Graded
Linda Sher 23/114 F 65-69 48:40 54.0%
Carol Smith 3/46 F 70-75 42:18 68.7%

No racewalking division

Trolley Run - 4 Miles

April 26, 2015 - Kansas City, Missouri, 50°, wind 10 mph

No racewalking division

Walker Place Divison Time
John Anderson 13/22 M 70-74 46:41
Alan Poisner* 1/3 M 80+ 46:29


Runner Place Divison Time
LeeDebault 28/64 M 65-69 42:31
Lynn Sandbeck 4/133 F 60-64 37:19
BJ Thornburg 4/17 F 70-74 45:01

*New record for Trolley Run-6 layers of clothes

Brew to Brew Relay – 43 miles

April 12, 2015 Kansas City to Lawrence

Team Captain Finish
Heartland Hipsters BJ Thornburg 09:59:00
Perpetual Pedestrians Alan Poisner 10:13:41
Wooly Walkers Mark Landry 10:11:51

HRW had three teams for the 2015 version of the B2B Relay, ranging in age from 16 to 81, with 14 veterans and one rookie, Karen Swisher, who was very swift. Phil Jacobs and Alan Poisner have now completed 13 and 14 Brew to Brew races, respectively, since 2001. There were a number of changes in distances of some legs this year with two legs being 1.0 or more miles longer than in 2014 (7 and 10). This year’s race was marked by a rainy morning and some lost walkers. The Wooly Walkers car almost missed finding the first exchange point but, thanks to some cell-phone navigational help, got there in time for the exchange to Phil. However he followed some other racers who missed a turnoff and did not arrive at the start of leg 3. As in the past we ended up at the Mad Greek restaurant afterwards for a victory celebration. See the PICTURES link for photos before, during and after the race.

Leg Miles Heartland Hipsters Walker Perpetual Pedestrians Walker Wooly Walkers Walker
1 3.9 Karen Swisher Martha McCarter Mark Landry
2 5.3 Lynn Sandbeck Lakshmi Dandi Phil Jacobs*
3 5.9 Pat Durkin Susan Rico **
4 2.3 John Anderson Nancy Perih Jodi Cusick
5 4.7 Karen Swisher Alan Poisner Fred Adams
6 3.3 BJ Thornburg Nancy Perih Jodi Cusick
7 5.8 Lynn Sandbeck Lakshmi Dandi Marcie Reyelts
8 4.0 Pat Durkin Martha McCarter Fred Adams
9 5.2 BJ Thornburg Susan Rico Marcie Reyelts
10 5.8 John Anderson Alan Poisner Phil Jacobs
Total 46.2

*Misdirected and did not finish leg
**No one walked this leg

USATF National Masters Indoor Championships

March 22, 2015, Winston-Salem, North Carolina

3000 meter racewalk

Place Name Time Age Division Age-Graded
1 Alan Poisner 19:58.46 80-84 84.4%

New American record for 80-84
Only one competitor in 80-84 but there were three in 75-79 (see below)

Place Name Time Age Division
1. John Backlund 21:06.43 75-79
2. James Veenstra 21:08.09 75-79
3. William Gramley 24:28.32 75-79

Ground Hog 10K

January 25, 2015, Kansas City, Missouri (Hunt Midwest SubTropolis Cave 60°- 64°)


Place Name Time Age Division Age-Graded
101/123 Susan Rico-Presnell 1:20:55.0 F 40-44 53.8%
5/10 Alan Poisner* 1:13:43.7 M 70-99 80.5%

No racewalking division
*1/2 in 80+; only two layers